Baby, We Were Meant for Each Other
By Scott Simon
In this warm, funny, and wise new book, NPR’s award-winning Scott Simon tells the story of how he and his wife found true love with two tiny strangers from the other side of the world. It’s a book of unforgettable moments: when Scott and Caroline get their first thumb-size pictures of their daughters, when the small girls are placed in their arms, and all the laughs and tumbles along the road as they become a real family. Woven into the tale of Scott, Caroline, and the two little girls who changed their lives are the stories of other adoptive families. Some are famous and some are not, but each family’s saga captures facets of the miracle of adoption.
Praise for Baby, We Were Meant for Each Other
“In this slim yet wholly satisfying book, Scott Simon…tells the story of his and his wife, Caroline’s, adoption of two Chinese girls, interspersing his narrative with equally tender – and sometimes painful – accounts from other parents and their adopted children. Much of Simon’s book reads as a valentine to his daughters…The book, however, goes beyond simply praising adoption…And it’s not strictly about parenthood, either. Ultimately, Simon has made a passionate, welcome case for opening our hearts to all those around us, regardless of their origins.”
– John McMurtrie, San Francisco Chronicle
“Scott Simon — the sonorous voice of NPR’s “Weekend Edition” — has written a short, tender book… It is one of the noblest things about America that we care for children of other lands who have been cast aside…America declared that bloodlines don’t matter, that dignity is found beneath every human disguise. There is no greater embrace of this principle than an American family that looks like the world.”
– Michael Gerson, The Washington Post
“In his new memoir…the congenial moderator invites us into the family he and his wife Caroline created when they adopted two Chinese daughters based on little more than thumb-size snapshots. Being a gracious host, he also shares other adoption stories within his circle of friends that includes sportswriter Frank Deford, Freakonomics author Steve Levitt and celebrated fashion designer Alexander Julian.”
– Bookpage